The planets in motion
This week four of the 8th Dimension Sailing “planets” moved to Portugal.Mercury started her journey a couple of weeks ago and went via Cannes.
Venus, Earth and Mars were all craned into lorries in Burnham-on-Crouch to arrive in time for Round 1 of the Algarve Dragon winter cup.
Petticrows have 4 more new boats to complete in the coming weeks… Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune to add to the fleet.
The 8th Dimension Performance 8 boat fleet is one of the most exciting initiatives in recent years for Dragons sailors. Boats are available for charter (hurry many of the winter charters are already filled) and can be used for training, clinics, bespoke events etc.
It is a great way for potential new comers to the fleet to try a Dragon before committing to join the fleet, as well as existing sailors who can also enjoy using the boats.